Trigger Point Injections

Trigger points, also known as knots, are painful areas of muscle that remain tense, even when they shouldn’t be. While anyone can develop trigger points, they are often associated with fibromyalgia, tension headaches, and myofascial pain syndrome. The knots can occur virtually anywhere you have muscle but are most common in the arms, legs, lower back, and neck. Trigger points can also irritate nearby nerves, causing what is called “referred pain.” That means you may feel pain in an area of your body that is perfectly fine. The bottom line is this — trigger points hurt and can adversely affect your daily life in a number of ways.

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Treating Trigger Points with Wellness Solutions


Trigger point injections from Wellness Solutions may be an option to get rid of the pain from knots. During the procedure, a needle containing a local anesthetic, saline, or other medication is injected into the trigger point, rendering it inactive. Pain relief is typically immediate with this procedure, and it can be long-lasting with the right course of treatment. Because of the simplicity of these injections, they are performed in a doctor’s office and only take a few minutes, meaning you will be on your feet and ready to go in no time!


Trigger point injections are generally safe and can provide pain relief to people who have been suffering from trigger point pain and haven't found relief from more conservative treatments such as over-the-counter pain medication or physical therapy. Depending on which muscle is affected, trigger point injections can also significantly improve the range of motion and overall muscle functionality.

Trigger-point injections are nonsurgical and require no downtime or recovery. You should be able to go about your normal day, and the effects of the treatment should be immediate. Trigger-point injections allow patients with chronic muscle pain or headaches caused by radiating pain to resume their normal lives. You can resume your favorite activities without interruptions by pain.

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Trigger-point injections work especially well when combined with other pain-management therapies like massage therapy and physical therapy. Trigger points are frequently caused by stress, poor ergonomics, or inactivity, and this injection therapy can provide immediate and ongoing pain relief in the targeted area while other treatments address the underlying cause.

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What If I’m Allergic to the Medication?


This technique still works to relieve the pain from trigger points, but patients who choose dry needling are more likely to complain of post-injection pain. In most cases, post-injection pain is treatable with over-the-counter medicine and goes away within a few days. Allergic reaction is a rare complication of the procedure. Make sure that you let your pain specialist know of all your known allergies before your trigger point injection procedure.


If you suffer from trigger points and want relief, call Wellness Solutions today and schedule an appointment to see one of our amazing healthcare professionals! You don’t have to live with chronic trigger point pain. Visit us today to begin your road to a more pain-free life!

The team at Wellness Solutions has your overall health in mind. If you’re looking for any medical or physical services, we would be more than happy to assist you with getting you back to your peak self. So don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know how we can help!

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